Life affirming fiction by Len Koepsell.

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Len Koepsell

Cello Anyone?

Cello Anyone?

My name is Jeremy Lanton. Please allow me to introduce myself. I’ve been a cellist with the Santa Monica Symphony. I was asked to join by special invitation, since I’m a foreigner, from France. After moving to the area, I also picked up a few private students on the side–for pocket money. That’s my story and I’ve been sticking to it. I like Bach, Beethoven and Saint-Saëns. Classic American crooners like Frank Sinatra never appealed to me.

At first I felt like a fish out of water, but strange things can happen to you, if you’re pretending to be someone else. No spoiler alerts here. Wouldn’t want to spoil the fun you’ll have by downloading Len Koepsell’s new audiobook, The Golden Flyswatter, coming soon to Spotify.

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