So You’re Divorced

So You’re Divorced

Hey it’s Vic here again from Len Koepsell’s novel, Three Strikes, You’re Dead with some parting thoughts for you divorced people out there. 

So you made a mistake. So someone did you wrong. Ready for a story about getting it right the next time? In Three Strikes, You’re Dead, you’ll see I got crapped on, bad. Thought I was destined for a life of frozen pot pies and movin’ back in with a relative, a sister in my case. Then I tried to do something nice for her kid, my nephew, and in the process I ended up meeting someone. Oh, it wasn’t fireworks at first. The lesson being, if you remain your authentic self, someone may come along who gets you. And then it’s a whole new ballgame.

If a guy like me gets a second chance, then why not you? You might not even have to learn Spanish or buy a convertible. So buck up and then check out the Sammy Cahn lyrics to Second Time Around. Let me know how things turn out for you. As Whitney said previously on this site, after reading the book, you can always reach me in the pages of your mind.

Read more in Three Strikes, You're Dead - available on Amazon, Kindle and Barnes & Noble.